Saturday, March 31, 2012


bullies block

a thread favorite for thought-control, is 'the block'. i realize this may be my personal hang-up, but i have an extremely difficult time availing myself of facebook's "i'm a total pussy" option, not because i am not a pussy sometimes, but because i cannot bear the idea of missing stuff.
i have simply learned to hold my tongue which affords me the grown-up attribute of ignoring dunderheads, and sometimes it's the dunderheads who say just the best stuff everrrr!

if i blocked threaders, i would miss stellar shit like this:

Friar Fred Jan WTF are you talking about "the Dole" i paid taxes for many years you can go Eff yourself Bitch!
Wednesday at 9:23am · Like
Friar Fred but for the grace of god go you Jan you piece of newt chit!
Wednesday at 9:23am · Like
yes, that friar. the same fred. the same stupid shit.

although, the earnest invocation in his second post to poor jan will surely keep fred in good stead with jesus, unless the ex- part of fred's priest gig was-->

the former priest, nurse, and all around good guy is not my favorite blockhead. how can that be, ask you?
because there is a woman that recently moved to the beloved place of my birth who i'm pretty sure, hates me more than cancer, george w. bush, and the entire gop combined all wrapped up in a box full of poop.
i wink.

early in my morning joe, thread relationship, i made a huge threadpaux the first day i encountered this woman. i claimed to know several people with a disease she has, who despite their "condition" manage to work part or full time, and have found much relief through alternative food choices and holistic remedies.
one would think i called her mother a whore, her father a dead ringer for steve buscemi, and gave birth to the world's stupidest children. well, i said nothing of the sort.

don't get me wrong; i am definitely, well, blunt.

but, unlike my favorite opiner on the face of this earth, i'm not so cuntish about it. buddhists  in general quite polite in their delivery.
not always, but most definitely usually.
that being my true and honest history of my relationship with this threadbully of epic proportion, let me share sssandra's approach to dealing with differing opinions:
SSSandra  I have blocked lots of people but only ever reported one ... and that is because after blocking her twice she came back again from a page I couldn't block. I had no choice then!
2 hours ago · Like
in real life, sssanndra walks the walk:

SSSandra  I have called women whore before I plummeted them with my fists but it doesn't mean I hate whores. 2 hours ago · Like
i live in sandra's laundry room, shhhhh!

so your "condition" allows you plummet (?) the shit out of  poor whores, but you can only freelance from yer house? i guess the whores come to your place for the shit beating?
sssandra and i will never be threadfriends:
SSSandra  Mark, in all fairness, you have been known to twist a thing or two that I have said ... but I do agree about the mentally ill people. That is what I think about Cat. Derranged comments and nothing valuable to contribute. Only smut and fluff from her.
March 10 at 9:24am · Like
SSSandra  Oh Mark ... I disagree about Cat ... her comments are every bit as derranged and hateful in my opinion as DanP's are in your opinion. She talks like a tramp and makes zero sense in 98% of her posts. I find that nauseating not amusing.
March 10 at 9:51am · Like · 2
well shoot!
still, 2 "blocked" months later, nag nag nag.

but it was not you

my advice to ms. sssandra- stop spreading hate; stop the bullying; stop plummeting(?) the ho's; and go get a fricken' real job!
it will never get better for anyone as long as presumed adults use this sort of language and intimidation, protected only by your internet access. which is also weird to me that one on state aid, with no job, has the extra bucks to chat such shit.
be the solution, not the problem.
stop grown-up cyber bullies!!!

mean people suck; mean girls suck the worst.

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