Monday, April 2, 2012


when i became aware of the controversy surrounding mpaa's "R" rating given to the film, 'bully', i wrestled to come to some sort of conclusion on the matter.
the idea that hearing any derivative of the word, fuck, would be a shock to the social-psyche of the american teenager, could only be thought possible if the mpaa is comprised of social-retards who give mark zuckerberg a run for his stellar people skills.
don't spend so much time worrying about this

it became apparent, there was no legitimate reason whatsoever to assign an "R"rating to this film depicting an issue of critical, social concern. i have read claims there is some concern in regard to using the film in schools as a teaching tool; however, the "F" bomb dropped 7 times would make this controversial.
because there are no techy-types around to edit out ear-burning fuck, fuckity fuck fuck-type words.
however, i do see one benefit and one only of the "R" rating.
these gut wrenching accounts need to be heard and witnessed by adults in order to address a dialogue every parent should be having with every child in every household to infinity and beyond!

i realize i am being naive.

i see these parents pull up directly in front of the theater, because there are no parking lots around; turn on their emergency flashers, (because this is a parking emergency due to the lack of parking lots) dashing with a gaggle of children to the box-office.
mom buys 1 ticket for each gaglet, sending them on their giggly, prepubescent way to see, american pie: the grandkids as mom hauls her large ass back to her illegally parked yet super-close suv and drives home.
now, i know this happens because i did it once myself, but i have an excuse! my daughter and her girlgaggle wanted to see 'titanic' 83 times. i saw it twice.
i was as depressed and sad as i had ever remembered being for 3+ hours two times, and there was just no way i was doing the titanic again.

the leo

besides, i had known who leonardo dicaprio was for years. my daughter and her girlfriends had just discovered such a creature existed, and for a couple of months spent every saturday afternoon at the one and only theater in town.
i bought tickets for the less-than-13 year olds, sent them in, hopped in my legally parked car (because jersey had parking lots back then) and went home.
i think that doesn't make me a curbside-mom tho, because i totally parked, and i saw 'titanic' two freaking times!
and i will never, ever be the flag-mom.
naive or not, i like to believe parents care and would want to see this film with their child and if they don't, the "R" rating might, i said might! force them to do the parenting thing. it might start a conversation that otherwise might not be had. it might bring awareness to the overall lack of kindness and respect for others, and a sickening social apathy we not only accept but have grown far too comfortable with.
it might.
what i know for a absolute fact, actually maybe even a universal truth, there is some tech dude out there somewhere who can delete the "FUCK" word and make it nicey-nicey for the children.
cuz the children are just so damned nice, aren't they?
click to film website
cnn entertainment reviews 'bully'

phoebe prince

it stops here, it stops now.

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