Saturday, March 31, 2012


bullies block

a thread favorite for thought-control, is 'the block'. i realize this may be my personal hang-up, but i have an extremely difficult time availing myself of facebook's "i'm a total pussy" option, not because i am not a pussy sometimes, but because i cannot bear the idea of missing stuff.
i have simply learned to hold my tongue which affords me the grown-up attribute of ignoring dunderheads, and sometimes it's the dunderheads who say just the best stuff everrrr!

if i blocked threaders, i would miss stellar shit like this:

Friar Fred Jan WTF are you talking about "the Dole" i paid taxes for many years you can go Eff yourself Bitch!
Wednesday at 9:23am · Like
Friar Fred but for the grace of god go you Jan you piece of newt chit!
Wednesday at 9:23am · Like
yes, that friar. the same fred. the same stupid shit.

although, the earnest invocation in his second post to poor jan will surely keep fred in good stead with jesus, unless the ex- part of fred's priest gig was-->

the former priest, nurse, and all around good guy is not my favorite blockhead. how can that be, ask you?
because there is a woman that recently moved to the beloved place of my birth who i'm pretty sure, hates me more than cancer, george w. bush, and the entire gop combined all wrapped up in a box full of poop.
i wink.

early in my morning joe, thread relationship, i made a huge threadpaux the first day i encountered this woman. i claimed to know several people with a disease she has, who despite their "condition" manage to work part or full time, and have found much relief through alternative food choices and holistic remedies.
one would think i called her mother a whore, her father a dead ringer for steve buscemi, and gave birth to the world's stupidest children. well, i said nothing of the sort.

don't get me wrong; i am definitely, well, blunt.

but, unlike my favorite opiner on the face of this earth, i'm not so cuntish about it. buddhists  in general quite polite in their delivery.
not always, but most definitely usually.
that being my true and honest history of my relationship with this threadbully of epic proportion, let me share sssandra's approach to dealing with differing opinions:
SSSandra  I have blocked lots of people but only ever reported one ... and that is because after blocking her twice she came back again from a page I couldn't block. I had no choice then!
2 hours ago · Like
in real life, sssanndra walks the walk:

SSSandra  I have called women whore before I plummeted them with my fists but it doesn't mean I hate whores. 2 hours ago · Like
i live in sandra's laundry room, shhhhh!

so your "condition" allows you plummet (?) the shit out of  poor whores, but you can only freelance from yer house? i guess the whores come to your place for the shit beating?
sssandra and i will never be threadfriends:
SSSandra  Mark, in all fairness, you have been known to twist a thing or two that I have said ... but I do agree about the mentally ill people. That is what I think about Cat. Derranged comments and nothing valuable to contribute. Only smut and fluff from her.
March 10 at 9:24am · Like
SSSandra  Oh Mark ... I disagree about Cat ... her comments are every bit as derranged and hateful in my opinion as DanP's are in your opinion. She talks like a tramp and makes zero sense in 98% of her posts. I find that nauseating not amusing.
March 10 at 9:51am · Like · 2
well shoot!
still, 2 "blocked" months later, nag nag nag.

but it was not you

my advice to ms. sssandra- stop spreading hate; stop the bullying; stop plummeting(?) the ho's; and go get a fricken' real job!
it will never get better for anyone as long as presumed adults use this sort of language and intimidation, protected only by your internet access. which is also weird to me that one on state aid, with no job, has the extra bucks to chat such shit.
be the solution, not the problem.
stop grown-up cyber bullies!!!

mean people suck; mean girls suck the worst.

Thursday, March 29, 2012



this site is outstanding. includes publications, hotlines, and web addresses

site for oz

addresses bullying @ work

cyber bullies

*this will be updated with new resources as i come across them. i did my best to ensure none of the resources required $ of any kind, or appeared to be sharpton-ing from this crucial issue; however, time constraints, life, and obligations just afforded me time to skim each site.
**if anyone has suggestions for additions to this list, please msg. me at catkerr on facebook, or comment directly. thanks!


morning joe hero
joan b.

good morning, joe

JoanB CAT KERR....You have floored me I thought you were BIASED but reading your comments have told me something completely different. Now I know you aren't the DEVIL I thought you were!!! We just have different political views. I like what you said about TRAYVON'S MOM!!! GOD BLESS YOU AND STAY SAFE!!!!
6 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
Cat Kerr wow joan. thank you. it took an open heart and open mind tho on your part. so, thank you.
a few seconds ago · Like

joan b. opened her mind and her heart and we found a human connection. this is how we honor the memory of trayvon martin. thank you, joan b. for opening a door.
*out of respect and privacy, i delete the last names of all threaders except my own

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

i-report about reporters

“If you're horrible to me, I'm going to write a song about it, and you won't like it. That's how I operate.”
Taylor Swift

i made this face when i found this quote!

i am not a swift fan, but i stumbled across her quote and it was so perfect for today, i almost peed myself. lucky for y'all i don't sing; however, i can write about you and like all 23 of taylor's exes, you won't like it either.
as a regular facebook user, i have come across 2 users that i "reported" to some anonymous facebook reporting system that is as effective as herman cain was in seeking the 2012 gop nomination.
on both occasions, a poster threatened physical harm to another poster (one of whom was moi) and i reported it. the response from facebook was, well, nothing.

the facebook "report" tool is useless for anything other than causing the targeted user the hassle of agreeing to fb's tos 32 times before you can log in and enjoy your first cuppa joe!
it has also become a collective bargaining tool for grown-up bullies on msnbc's morning joe chat thread. threadregulars implement a "you are with us, or against us" policy and you better get that "i agree to terms of service" finger ready if you choose against!
i don't mind being reported by a user if i have said something so outrageous they felt an uncontrollable need to tattle-tale about it. what i object to is a group of adults who conspire to mass-report a fellow threader they may disagree with politically, or threadbitches that can't compete with the new girls and collectively decide to abuse another human being.

threadbully for wednesday, march 28, 2012


danp takes full advantage of facebook's report/block options; however, do not report/block or challenge danp.

Cat Kerr danp reported me yesterday after whining all morning about people reporting danp. he reported me for inviting him to join the trayvon martin movement in philly.
danp, you're so silly.
what will you do if i tell you to have a nice day?
dry heave and call the po po?

about an hour ago · · 2
Dan P Cat you ignorant SLUT. The cyber slut family just loves to slander my name.
Why you ask?
Because I call them out for what they are.
The TRUTH about them makes them crazy.
Your claim tells me who reported me yesterday  wthough.
Cat Kerr thread slut and liar.
8 minutes ago · Like

Dan P Report that you cunt!!!!!
4 minutes ago · Like

nah. im just gonna write about it.
thanks danp.
you never let me down.

about an hour ago ·

admittedly, i stir a few pots. i like pot stirring. weak people always succumb when the pot starts to boil, and your true color always rises to the top.
nothing will get better until the danp's of the www are exposed and expunged.

bullies suck, danp. just stop it!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

phoebe prince

 phoebe nora mary prince

Phoebe Nora Mary Prince  1994-2010  

Saturday, March 24, 2012

ex-priest - just another ex


morning joe's resident holy man

every so often a priest makes headlines.
it is rare this is good news for the priest or the catholic church.
fortunately for priests, president obama is shining his "hope and change THIS!" spotlight on the entire church and it's dissatisfied vaginas.
it has been widely reported that 98% of catholic females use birth control, leaving a measly 2% that are neither dissatisfied nor concerned because they follow the fecking vagina rules. this seems, well, extremely disproportionate to the number of women partaking of the eucharist every sunday while they are unrythmically safe-sexing the whole week long.
liars liars skirts on fire. and your husbands too!
another issue another day.

Add caption

back to friar fred.
once upon a time, in a tiny hamlet, in a tiny state, sat a tiny man.  fred  liked
when i began threading at mj, fred was cordial enough, however, i had the tremendous misfortune of living among hamlet's just like fred's little 'let, so i was guarded.
i am not the hamlet type.
and fuck the henryVIII stuff, too.
a very female unfriendly group of guys.

there's some irony properly used, dan.

i am pretty sure my personality is growing apparent the more i write, and i am not, well, a shrinking violet.
perhaps being an ex-priest, friar fred brings some girl-baggage to the thread; i dunno. but needless to say, friar fred and i did not hit it off. 

i have yet to discover any imperfect part
huge surprise.
when i think about priests, i could have several, reasonable thoughts. i choose to think of priests like this:
priests are supposed to be like religious mary poppinses: practically perfect in every way, like god's army of  soul nannies.
now, i understand priests are human beings above all else, and like all humans, there will always be a freak thrown in. i believe most priests are great nannies. i also believe if you are a ex-priest, you are ex for a reason. and is there really a good ex? even ex-smokers can turn into utter non-smoking assholes, so most most exes, suck.
i think i have stumbled upon friar freds' ex-essence.

one moment, fred is very poppinsey:

FriarFred  I know but the amazing lack of human compassion and understanding from someone who was once considered a hero of the left for his uncovering abusive mental institutions would stoop to the lowest level
about an hour ago · Like · 3

Friar Fred  Well i guess this reminds us to not judge a book by its cover.....Honorable Soldier, not so honorable citizen. One must wonder if he joined to escape his personal life and his sins as a civilian or if it was indeed predicated on his patriotism after 9/11
3 hours ago · Like

which would lead a reasonable person to believe friar fred was indeed one of "the good guys".
he uses words such as compassion, and offers advice to all: "don't judge a book by it's cover."
friar fred musta been an awesome priest.
lucky little hamlet there!!
screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeching halt!

at any given time; however, the ex- friar fred says shit like this:
Friar Fred Richard Daniel is a troll he's not here to do anything but disrupt. I suggest all of us rational folk block him and end his influence over the discussions...same with Cat
39 minutes ago · Like · 2

fred kindly instructs other users who is to be heard and who is not:
Friar Fred  Sandy block him
31 minutes ago · Like
Friar Fred  Barbie Block her
30 minutes ago · Like · 1

 westboro is a hamlet?

friar fred could be a  great threadhost; however, freds' 1st amendment leaves out that part where the 1st amendment applies to all, and not just:

freds' likers

fred uses a photograph of himself with grey hair. fred is a grown-up. fred bullies posters daily. fred promotes censoring others and encourages threaders to block or report users he disagrees with or does not like. fred calls other adults names and regularly posts slanderous information about fellow threaders.

if you see friar fred at any of the following msnbc pages, please tell fred: BULLIES SUCK and you're not going to tolerate it!

friar fred's favorites:

phoebe prince
it stops here and it stops now!

march on philly- monday march 26, 2012, 6:30 pm. stand up! for details. thank you!

Friday, March 23, 2012

philly march mon. 3/26/2012

trayvon martin

i just discovered this evening the next march is on monday, so i am attending. i posted info on my fb wall so if any of my b&n'ers wanna ride in, hmu.
let support and unite!
thank you

Thursday, March 22, 2012

bullies and hoodies


above all else, my heart breaks for the parents of trayvon martin. so far, the only absolute truth i can accept is, there is no more unimaginable pain or grief than the loss of your child. period.
i am inexpressibly sorry.
al, i hope you will find comfort and solace from those you love during this difficult moment. i am sorry for your loss.
but i still do not like you.

ok. now i rant.

a disclaimer-
i will not:
i will not replay events that occurred 3 weeks ago in sanford, fla.
nor will i render my opinion on
events that occurred 3 weeks ago in sanford, fla.
i have a modest legal background, and aside from a few obvious cases that i followed like it was crack, i have finally learned to hold off on judging the guilt or innocence of a defendant, pretrial.
this is not to mean i won't offer opinions, oh no....
i have so many of them, the dvsm suggests i am hoarding.
i reject such nonsense, and the bitching commences.


i joined the chat thread bright and early as usual.
it is my personal car wreck and i just can't look away.
as news of the trayvon martin death spread, the last several days focused less on the gop clusterfuck, and more on the events surrounding the death of this young man.
joe opened the show from his home state of florida, and the first 30 minutes of programming was devoted to this story.

fb's mj chat thread was on fire with opinions, and as opinions go these were far, far, did i say far different than the usual attack, attack, attack behavior. i do believe this is when ann franks' "good" comes out in people as we tone tempers and attempt to tap into verbalizing our "feelings" rather than beat the shit out of each other with our opinions.

and it struck me the number of white people who kept pointing out their whiteness when expressing their sorrow in a way that suggests it is somehow odd for a white person to have sorrow over the death of a young, black man.

im old, i'm white, and i care
there were petitions to be signed coordinated by posters who less than 72 hours prior, said to another poster:
ms. links-a-lot: m.s. (a fellow mj poster) would vote for bozo the clown if he was white!
now i am all for the freedom to express yourself, but good gawd how do you say something like THAT and 3 days later start a petition about racial injustice? 
but ms. links-a-lot is also an old white woman in delaware.

from another poster whose name i deleted because i am "fair" to newbies:
name deleted: Don't let up on the Trayvon Martin coverage. People need to know the truth & his family deserves justice. With live from another white middle aged woman in upstate NY.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
to which i reply:

Cat Kerr "newbie"- as if it is weird a white woman would care about this? why mention your race in that post?
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Cat Kerr should you get extra props bc you're a white lady who says you care about a black kid?
why not, i care!

i had pretty much secured my position in the shitter for another day after that comment.

which is fine. 
mom! cat's in the toilet again.
i do bring these situations on myself by expressing strong opinions. so a'ight, if you wana roll, then baby i will verbally roll your ass into a little ball and kick you to the curb; albeit, in the kindest, gentlest way possible because i am zen and you are SO not.white people say the right things when they have to. especially in public, and even MORE especially on a chat thread where they will NEVER be accountable for one damned real thing.
white people sign petitions, join in for a little outrage, donate a few bucks, talk about legislating some new shit to protect minorities, and long walks on the beach. but when it comes right down to it, white people don't get messy about it.

black people march. they dodge bullets. they get arrested and spend time in jail-
and NOT "occupy jail" where you pretend you just got stoned at woodstock, burned a flag, and spent the night in the pokey with the po po.  
unh uh, black people go to REAL jail where it's hard to get out.
they yell and scream and demand equal protection, representation, and freedom under the same constitution that provides the aforementioned for my old, white lady ass.

let this be a lesson to those who start petitions.
next time, get up off your ass and actually go DO something about something.

hypocrisy at the expense of a young black man, disgusts me. 
and ANYONE who uses  another person's tragedy as an excuse to promote a personal agenda of any kind will be called on it.
this is your opportunity to evolve.
do it.

kind hands have room for everyone
p.s. and i know this is super hard to believe, but, bozo THE clown is not on this ticket.

**this is also posted on my other blog, due to it's relevance to both blogs, i am posting the same on both today )

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

angry vagina

when i had my first computer, an apple (husband's idea) with a screen not much larger than my beloved ipod (forgive me all ye patriots, but, i will personally pay one chinese child an extra buck or two per hour to KEEP making ipods. it seems a win-win to me.) i immediately dl'ed aol; connected through a LOUD cackling, dialing, obnoxiously ringing modem, and was on my merry way down the www path.

finally, i could be part of a something! a team player!
they had groups! and i could be in one! or 80!
i quickfire joined philosophers, christians, politicians, and news makers on my quest to participate in something in addition to rocking and breastfeeding my latest, greatest infant.
it was also the year of oj, and i had SO much shit to say about that!

oops! wrong not guilty, guilty person. my bad.
i soon discovered some *avatars were "good" and some were "bad".
some were just downright unacceptable!
i also learned some opinions were "good" and some were "bad".
and some would get your ass booted right out of the group and never get an invite back.

right, girls?
and one day i learned what cyber-sex was and that is all i am going to say about that.

i learned i had to follow stupid, arbitrary rules to play the aol group game, so i concentrated on 2 groups that would be worth behaving for. admittedly, im contrarian. i was raised by a marine and that is my only excuse for being passively rebellious. 

insomuch as this little history relates to bulliesleaningleft, i learned the following:
1. a vagina is inherently suspect of all other vaginas. 
2. some vaginas just hate other vaginas because they have a vagina.
3. i do not know this for fact, so i am just guessing; however, i believe lesbians probably have the kinder, gentler vaginas.
4. i should google dyke bars in philly and i will go hang out there.

it is my goal to reinforce confident, brave women who celebrate the successes and accomplishments of all others around them including, and if not more importantly, other women.
ESPECIALLY other women!

it is my goal to raise daughters and granddaughters with strength of character and strong sense of self, so they do not HAVE TO resort to name calling, insults, character assassination,  bully behaviors, even slander to make themselves feel human.

phoebe prince
it stops here, and it stops now.
cmk* all the puppies can look up avatar in their dictionary )

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

morning joe meets the heathers, 2012

joe, mika, and willie

when fox news replaced the dearly departed e.d. hill, some moron hired a minnesota beauty pageant contestant and it was all downhill from there.
 i was never religious in my fox viewage, but it was part of a morning line-up that included: fox, msnbc, cnbc, and if i was super hard-up, cnn. i would switch to a local nbc affiliate for philly stuff, and the www. for wordly stuff.

every morning from 6-9 am est., i filled my head with news and politics, my stomach with folger's french roast, and my lungs with enough smoke to choke an asian.

the departure of hill meant the departure of my viewership and i  remain completely happy with my decision.
i was left with joe or robyn meade.
now, may i first say that robyn meade is absolutely stunning, and if there was any female i would have a beer with, she would be in my top 10. i think robyn knows how to have a shit-kickin' good time.
but not at 6am.
fuck that. way too early.
so i am left with msnbc.
to my surprise, i was really beginning to enjoy joe, except for one little thing-

this is mika.
mika hates: twinkies, wendy's, 'hoarders', rick santorum, fairies, and glitter.
mika loves: rolling her eyes, trying to get a word in edgewise, and her dad.
i had a very difficult time adjusting to the mika.

fox's hill was feisty and dominated the conversation; robyn is miss congeniality on happy-crack; and then there's this old stick in the mud.
after several months and 800 interviews with her dad, i realized mika is simply a by-product of her boarding school universe and cannot be held responsible when she thinks arcade fire requires an extinguisher and a red truck.

as a registered libertarian i began searching for a political fit, and the closest i've come is morning joe. this is where i have settled and this is what i have learned.
mornin' joe enjoys a quiet moment

i like this place
more often than not, i found myself wanting more.
i could no longer sit and merely listen, i wanted to participate!
i took the plunge, committed to liking joe, and took a ride on the 'morning joe' chat thread.

super vagina
to make my guilty pleasure legitimately productive i commenced an impromptu social experiment: how do republicans and democrats really communicate when there are no censors, no cameras, and have the freedom to express themselves within the confines of the msnbc sponsored chat thread, of course. 
that was my idea.
after several posting days, i was anointed 'threadwench' and my social experiment began to resemble an episode of 'survivor'  and these bitches were trying to vote me off joe's island!

i was no longer keeping track of unbelievable, partisan attacks.
i was defending my right to have a vocal vagina and not be hated and despised because i happened to have the newest vagina on the chat thread.

which leads me here.
bullies leaning left is an expose' of grown-up bullies. 
we tell our children, "it gets better".
it starts here and it starts now.

phoebe prince - bullied to death
