angry sandies |
i have 2 threadnemesises intent on painting me as the 'morning joe' town whore'.
weirdly, there are 4 derivatives of sandy all of whom i rub the wrong way. apparently i rub 2 particular sandies as if were an angry, republican masseuse, sumo-size.
from my facebook home page, i bounce over to the 'morning joe' thread. i often check it out after work, and sometimes open earlier chat threads to see if, in my absence someone had solved the obamacare deficiencies, or concluded who had actual sovereignty over who's vagina, or if anyone, resolved anything with mutually respectful dialogue.
one poster on my favorite morning show thread is a dude named DonaldR. he is very measured and mature, and i cannot recall a time when he was awful to anyone. so, respect for DonaldR. of 'morning joe'.
i would hamster dance here, if:
a. the hamster dance was still relevant in 2012, or
b. could afford the bandwidth
so on with the show.
usually i threadon to catty sandies and their thread "friends" beating up republicans, stay-at-home-moms, and anyone who believes the idea that if and when my vaginal activity becomes a platform for gop debates, congressional hearings, and last but NOT at all least, sir limbaugh, it is at THAT moment that i remove my hoo hoo from your agenda and i will take care of her from hereto forth, as if she were my very own.however, thank you government, my government, for your interest in my twat; i got 'er from here.
oh! and it was the z-sandy that put her friends in quotes, not i.
(now y'all know why i was voted off the island, longest run-on sentence, second only to arlen specters latest book title which in total i believe, is 19 words long.)
if not beating up republicans, men are target numero dos.
all things bad can be traced back to something with a penis.
white ones, especially.
and if there are no peens on the thread, the conversation turns to the appointed, slutty girls.
so, who's voting for obama and who's voting for the terrestrial king?
it's a politics/pop culture/usa-style morning show.
this is NOT perez hilton.
cyber bullies tend to roam the www in herds.
this differs from bullies one may physically, socially encounter in school or a work setting. more often than not, there is a one-bully- per-capita-ratio, so it's one bully per whatever cliquey-group that capita happens to be. they follow their assigned bully around, but like 'west side story', there's tony and then there are a buncha sheep, i mean sharks.
cyber bullies on the other hand, flock together, and take advantage of facebook's - other than annoying, utterly useless tool- report user. sandies and their kind, regularly advise new posters to "ignore her!"; "don't chat with him; he's a repug!" or the girls at their finest, "she's sucha whore!"
and when the timing is perfect and all of the sandies collide, the morning show thread harkens me back to the days of slam books, class rings, and insincere ramblings from "friends" in a yearbook they would never otherwise sign if they didn't receive the benefit of memorializing their existence by signing your picture book.
problem? it's the air quotes.
those "friends" are the sucky, awful ones.
find friends. air-quote free ones.
and good luck to ya'.
now go behave and represent!
'bully' has limited release, march 30, 2012 |
reactions for your consideration
OVER-THE-RHINE — Carol and Darryl Denham, of Taylor
Mill, left a pre-screening of the film “Bully’’ last week hoping those
in the audience would now understand what their son Sam, 13, went
The pre-screening of the film ‘Bully’ last week met with an
enthusiastic response from attendees. Carol Denham’s son committed suicide in October aged 13, and it emerged he had been bullied.
I let the tears dry and reflected a bit before writing this. From the opening moments of the
Bully movie,
my heart was breaking. The stories woven through the film make very
real the unbearable pain bullying leaves in its wake. The NYC theater
was filled, but it is not enough.
be well and peas out!